I see you over there!
You’re a man coming out of a relationship, and you have no idea how to navigate this new life of yours.
Everything is changing, and you’re feeling incredibly isolated. You’ve got a lot of questions about your breakup, separation, or divorce. Questions like:
“Is this normal? Is something wrong with me?”
“I feel so lost. What do I do from here?”
“Is there anybody who understands what I’m going through?”
“How do I move on from this?”
“Do I need therapy?”
“How do I make sure I never feel like this again?”
You don’t necessarily feel comfortable going to your friends or family members with these questions. So you search Reddit or YouTube for the answers. But it feels like all the breakup advice you’re finding isn’t geared toward men like you, men who are self-aware and want to grow as a boyfriend/partner/father/friend/colleague.
That’s why I offer breakups for men coaching packages. This is powerful one-on-one support to help you heal your heart and rebuild your life exactly the way you want it.
Once you get through the healing, what’s next? What’s on the other side of this breakup? A life of passion, excitement, joy, intimacy, and deep connection. I’ve helped many men conquer their breakups and divorces, and find results like:
Moving into their dream home
Stepping into new powerful partnerships
Taking on creative projects that weren’t possible before
Finding peace and freedom in their lives
Recreating loving relationships with their former partners and children
Here’s how breakups for men works:
Click here to book a 15-minute breakup discovery call.
We’ll see if you’re a good fit for one-on-one coaching.
If yes, we’ll create what it looks like to work together. If no, I’ll give you some resources to move forward on your journey.
It’s that simple! Are you ready to turn this breakup into the best thing that ever happened for you?