Are you ready to set the boundaries that will heal your broken heart?
The No-Contact Survival Guide
A self-guided course to walk you step-by-step through post-breakup process.
This course has everything you need to:
Understand what boundaries you need to set with your ex partner
Set yourself up for a clear and straightforward no-contact journey
Write your very own customized no-contact agreement
Make a plan for yourself during the no-contact period
Communicate your boundaries lovingly and clearly
Kickstart your amazing healing journey
Will you choose healing or suffering?
Imagine trying to walk on a sprained ankle and expecting it to heal…
…In the same way that we need to rest when we injure part of our body, we need time away from our ex after the breakup.
This period of time is called “no-contact” and it’s a pivotal portal of any breakup. Whether you plan to be friends down the road, potentially get back together, or choose to go separate ways for good, going no-contact is the next step on every healing path.
I know what you’re thinking: “that sounds impossible! We’re so connected and there was so much love there. How can I just cut it off completely?”
Don’t worry— I got you!
What’s Included
Five easy-to-follow video modules that walk you step-by-step through the no-contact process
A customized contingency plan for those moments of weakness
A 21-page no-contact workbook full of resources to support your journey
A no-contact contract (say that 5x fast!) template that you get to customize
Bite-sized assignments along the way to make the process as painless as possible
Access to all modules and materials for six months
PLUS! A Bonus Module:
Reconnecting After No-Contact
This BONUS module includes:
A 5-step video training on getting back in touch with your ex after no-contact
A special guided meditation to support you in this process
A workbook to help you craft your reconnection message
A template for exactly what to say in your reconnection message
When can I start the course?
After purchasing, you will have instant access to the entire course. Start right now and work through it at your own pace. This is a self-guided program.
Who is this course for?
The No-Contact Survival Guide is for anybody who is coming out of a relationship or about to go through a breakup. This course is perfect for anybody who wants to move forward powerfully.
How long will the course take to complete?
No-contact is like ripping off a band-aid. The faster you can move through this uncomfortable part of the breakup, the faster you will start to feel like yourself again. For that reason, this course is designed to be completed quickly. The video modules are short and sweet. If you are really dedicated, you could complete this course in an afternoon, but it could take up to two or three days to complete it.
What if my situation is unique?
The great thing about this course is that you get to adapt it to fit your particular situation. Maybe you still live together, maybe you have kids, maybe you work together— whatever the particular situation, you get to create a no-contact agreement that works for YOU!
How long will I have access to the course?
You have access to the course videos for six months from the date of purchase. However, the workbook and contract are yours to download and keep forever.
Do you offer refunds?
There are no refunds available for the course. Make sure you understand what’s included before purchasing.
By the end of this course, you will…
✓ Create a custom no-contact agreement for yourself
✓ Be clear on the next steps in your healing journey
✓ Go no-contact with your ex in a way that feels aligned for you
✓ Have a plan for what to do when you want to break no-contact
✓ Feel powerful in setting and upholding your no-contact boundaries
✓ Feel excited and hopeful for the epic ride your future has in store
✓ Kickstart your healing and feel confident in your healing journey
✓ Surprise yourself with how capable you really are!
Are you ready to reclaim your power?
When you purchase, you’ll get instant access to everything you see below, and you’ll be on your way to becoming the new, improved, confident, powerful version of YOU!