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MEND: The 7-day mini course for heartbreak healing

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PSST! Don't want to wait for the daily lessons?


You can fast-track your healing and get even more support when you upgrade to the full MEND course right now for only $27! You will IMMEDIATELY have access to all the lessons PLUS some incredible bonuses:

  • BONUS! Additional journal prompts to help you dive deeper into self-discovery

  • BONUS! Digital MEND workbook with space for writing, guided journal prompts, and lots of heartbreak healing support

  • BONUS! Guided meditation to connect you with the future version of yourself and discover your own inner wisdom

  • BONUS! Powerful boundary mantras because boundaries are an act of self-love and are sometimes hard to do

  • BONUS! Breakup resource library full of my favorite videos and books that I always recommend to clients

  • Everything in a convenient online portal that you can access anytime!

Learn more and upgrade today for only $27!